​IV Therapy Treatment
Rehydrate and replenish your body with IV fluids.
Resolve nausea, headaches, & fight fatigue.
Stomach Flu
Get instant relief from upset stomach, nausea, & dehydration.
Improve endurance, shorten muscle recovery, & refuel the body.
Super Immune
Supercharge your immune system with a powerful dose of vitamins & antioxidants.
Energy Boost
Replenish with essential energy-boosting fluids and vitamins.
Immune Boost
Strengthen your immunity and support whole-body wellness.
Myers Cocktail
Restore balance, alleviate chronic illness symptoms, and support overall wellness.
Fortify hair, skin, & nails, support collagen to help improve complexion.
Glutathione with Vitamin C
Brightens the complexion, fights inflammation, and reduces acne & improves immune function.